Building update!
Fenel has been hard at work using the money you helped raise! Here are the photos he has sent me.
HOA is growing and needs more space.
Team Haiti!
I (Ben) was texting with Fenel last week, and I asked him if we could send a small team to visit HOA. Quick background - Haiti has not been safe since the political unrest started about 3 years ago, and then Covid shut the world down this past year. But I wanted to see what it would take to make another Haiti trip happen. I was expecting him to tell me it still wasn’t safe (as he has told me in the past), or that Covid will make things too challenging, but he didn’t say either of those. Instead he told me I needed to “pray harder” (which was humbling to hear) and that he needs to finish the multipurpose building first so there will be a place for us. The team house where we stayed in the past is being occupied by a family and the HOA nurse.
The Multipurpose building:
The new building will be used for more than just additional bedrooms. Here is what Fenel has planned:
• Offices
• Cafeteria
• Chapel
• Storage
• Girls Bedrooms
• Boys Bedrooms
• Staff Bedrooms
Call to action:
1. Pray. Pray God will provide for Fenel & Mimi.
2. Give. Prayerfully consider giving to the Building Project.
I mentioned this next part in person at the meeting on Wednesday, so I will mention it here. I don’t usually speak this bold, but here goes nothing. God has blessed us tremendously. Things have been nothing short of crazy this past year, including the government deciding to give most of us thousands of dollars back. You may have been affected differently than me, but Covid had no financial impact on me. So these checks the government keeps depositing into my checking account are unplanned income. I don’t need this additional income. I am hoping this pandemic hasn’t forced you to rely on these government checks either.
Please pray and give serious consideration to giving some.. most.. or even all of it to our dear brothers and sisters in Haiti. If there is anyone I know who could use an additional $1,400/ person right now, it would be Fenel and Mimi. Like I said, I don’t normally speak this bold, but I know what great things the Lord will do with these funds in the hands of Fenel.
In summary: Please HELP US RAISE $30K
After Fenel told me he needed the multipurpose building complete before a team could visit, I asked him what it would take to make that happen. He told me $30k and about 4 months of work. Wow. Praise God! This is totally within reach! $30k sure goes a lot further in Haiti than the US.
One more thing to note. You might be wondering what has been taking so long for this to get done. Fenel has been working on this building for the last few years, but with the political unrest, materials have not been available for a long time. But they are available right now. And financial giving has been significantly down since Covid, so there are no extra funds for this project right now. I am praying diligently and doing whatever I can to raise this money quickly for Fenel so he can buy the additional materials soon - just in case something else happens to Haiti and the materials are not available again.
I am praying you will join us in this opportunity to bless our Haitian brothers and sisters. All for the Glory of God.
Please put "Fenel Building Project" in the Special Instructions section on the PayPal site